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  • 		                                		                                <span class="slider_title">
		                                    High Holy Days		                                </span>


Shakshuka in Sukkah

Friday, September 29
5:30 pm Tot Shabbat - CANCELLED
6:00 pm Congregational Israeli Dinner & Sukkah Decorating - CANCELLED
7:15 pm Sukkot Shabbat Service with Yizkor - now on Zoom: link here

Sukkot celebrates both the fall harvest and our deeper connection to nature. It is a joyous season that symbolizes our people’s redemption and God’s protecting presence as they wandered through the wilderness. Sukkot is one of the most physically beautiful holidays because of the sukkah (temporary booth) that we decorate with symbols of the harvest, and the lulav and etrog, which we shake as we pray for a good season of rain. Our Sukkot service will also include the yizkor remembrance of loved ones we have lost over the past year, for whom we observe kaddish during this festival. Festivities to take place in the Klein Courtyard, followed by a special oneg. 

Simchat Torah

Friday, October 6
7:15 pm Simchat Torah Service

Meaning “the joy of Torah”, Simchat Torah marks the completion of the annual cycle of reading the Torah by chanting the final verses and then starting all over again.  One of Judaism’s most celebratory holidays, Simchat Torah is highlighted by the unscrolling of the entire Torah, dancing with the Torah and partaking in delicacies to remind us of the sweetness of learning.  Our celebrating will fittingly include a robust oneg, featuring our chocolate fondue station.    

Sat, October 5 2024 3 Tishrei 5785