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Israel Education Resources

On October 7th, 2023, Hamas terrorists attacked Israel, torturing and killing 1,400 people and taking another 240 hostages.  In response to overwhelming support for Israel and a thirst for knowledge around Israel and Zionism, we have created this resource page.

Click here to view our upcoming Israel Programming

Suggested Books on the History of Israel and Palestinian Conflict:

History of Israel
Daniel Gordis' "Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn"
Ari Shavit's "My Promised Land"

Israel/Palestinian Conflict
Yossi Klein HaLevi's "Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor"
Daniel Sokatch's " Can We Talk About Israel?: A Guide for the Curious, Confused, and Conflicted"
Micah Goodman's "Catch 67: The Left, the Right, and the Legacy of the Six-Day War"
Adi Schwartz and Einat Wilf’s “The War of Return: How Western Indulgence of the Palestinian Dream Has Obstructed the Path to Peace”
Noa Tishby’s “Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth”

David Baddiel’s “Jews Don’t Count”
Dara Horn’s “People Love Dead Jews”
Bari Weiss’ “How to Fight Anti-Semitism”
David Bernstein’s “Woke Antisemitism: How a Progressive Ideology Harms Jews”

Suggested Websites to Follow:


 Suggested Podcasts to Follow:

Times of Israel Daily Briefing
What Matters Now to Micah Goodman
Yehuda Kurtzer Identity/Crisis Podcast
Shalom Hartman Institute “For Heaven’s Sake” Podcast   

Suggested Social Media Accounts to Follow:

In response to popular demand, here are a few organizations and individuals well worth following on social media, dispelling much of the misinformation circulating around Israel.  This is especially important for our younger congregants, who are exposed to an overwhelming tide of anti-Israel material online:

• HonestReporting @HonestReporting 
• The Times of Israel @TimesofIsrael   
• Bari Weiss @bariweiss  
• Noa Tishby @noatishby
• Debbie Lechtman @rootsmetals   
• Lee Kern @leekern13
• Hen Mazzig @henmazzig
• Haviv Rettig Gur @havivrettiggur  
• Shoshanna Keats Jaskoll @skjask
• Yoseph Haddad @YosephHaddad
•  Jake Wallis Simons @JakeWSimons
• Dr Einat Wilf @EinatWilf 
• Noy Hilda @NoyHilda 
• Shaiel Ben-Ephraim @academic_la  
• Daniel Rubenstein @paulrubens  
• Amy Spiro @AmySpiro   
• Aviva Klompas @AvivaKlompas
• Arsen Ostrovsky @Ostrov_A
• Blake Flayton @blakeflayton   
• Tashager Araro @blackjewishmagic
• Samuel Joshua Hyde @samueljoshuahyde  

Suggested Organizations and Resources for Donations:
The Westchester Jewish Council has created a resource page including donation links,  https://www.wjcouncil.org/westchester-solidarity-rally-for-israel/

Again, you may direct any donations to Temple Beth El’s Israel Action Fund, which will be managed and allocated to various organizations by our clergy team.  Under “type”, simply choose “Israel Action Fund”.  Should you prefer to donate directly, we suggest this comprehensive list with descriptions and links.  

Recordings of Education Sessions Around Israel and Zionism: 

Teaching our College Students How to Respond to Misinformation Regarding Israel with Rabbi Jonathan Jaffe and Rabbi Leora Londy

November 6, 2023 Promoting Zionism in the Progressive Community: Amanda Berman, Founder and CEO of Zioness

Audio of Rabbi Jaffe’s Lecture on The History of Israel’s Borders, Including Resource Page

Click below to listen to the lecture

Click here to view the Resource Page - Explaining Israel

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784